River Rock-Filled Gabion Walls

River rock Gabion wall
Gabion wall filled with black / grey Mexican river rocks (2-3″ beach pebbles)

One of the latest landscaping trends is river rock-filled Gabion walls.  While you might have heard of them, you might wonder exactly what are they? And is a Gabion wall something that might benefit your front yard, garden, or pool? Read on to learn everything you need to know about Gabion walls made with river rocks.

Gabion Walls – What Are They?

A Gabion wall is essentially a large wire mesh basket that is filled with a heavy filler material. These baskets are placed directly onto the ground, with no digging required.  They serve as retaining walls or fences, or decorative landscape structures. In addition, you can use Gabion walls as benches, step-like structures, and support for plants.

How to Make a Gabion Wall

There are two steps to make a Gabion wall.  First, you need to create appropriate wire baskets.  Most home improvement stores sell wire mesh that is specifically made for Gabion walls.  The material can be cut and molded based on your project specifics.  Once the baskets are ready, you simply place them in the spot where you want to create a wall.

Second, you need to fill your Gabion wall.  Here you have a wide array of choices: crushed concrete, recycled cement, aggregates, river rock, beach pebbles… Which material to choose depends on how visually attractive you want your Gabion to be, and how much money you are willing to spend on it. 

Gabion Wall with Mexican Beach Pebbles

People who fill their Gabion walls with Mexican beach pebbles want their walls to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing.  Since the walls are see-through, beach pebbles will always be visible. This is excellent if you want to create a contrast or elevate the look and feel of your overall landscape.

Since Mexican beach pebbles come in a variety of sizes and colors, you can create unique Gabion wall designs. For example, some people create layers of black, white, and green Mexican beach pebbles inside their Gabions.  Others fill them with mixed beach pebbles for a more casual, laid-back look.

Tips for Mexican Beach River Rock Gabion Walls

Over the years, we have helped numerous customers choose and install their beach pebbles.  When it comes to Gabion walls, a practical tip is to place a cheaper filler material at the very bottom of your Gabion.  For example, if your Gabion is 5 feet tall, you can fill the bottom 1 foot with an inexpensive filler, such as crushed aggregate. This part will compact over time and become less visible, so you can save a bit of money here.

Use your savings to fill the top part with top quality Mexican river rock, and voila! You’ve got an impressive Gabion wall that will last for decades to come and add value to your property.  For more tips and questions, contact us by filling out our quick quote request form.

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